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be overcome by
被……占据  detail>>
be overcome with
为...所压倒/制服  detail>>
 vt.  (overcame; -come; -coming) 1.打败,战胜,征服;克服(困难)。 2.〔多用被动语态〕压倒,制服,…不堪 (wi...  detail>>
to overcome
克服  detail>>
be overcome by [with] shame
抱惭含羞  detail>>
be overcome by fear
感到十分害怕  detail>>
be overcome with fear
感到十分害怕  detail>>
overcome a difficult
克服困难  detail>>
overcome by fear
被吓坏  detail>>
overcome disease
战胜疾病  detail>>
overcome friction
克服摩擦力  detail>>
overcome jealousy
克服嫉妒心  detail>>
overcome one
补己之短  detail>>
overcome the difficulty
克服困难  detail>>
overcome the gloominess
克服抑郁心理  detail>>
a major hurdle for us to overcome is
一个有待克服的困难是…  detail>>
be unable to overcome certain misgivings
不能不有所顾忌  detail>>
dare to overcome tough obstacles
敢于碰硬  detail>>